A little reflection

This morning I’m reflecting on all the days I didn’t do the things I love because I was too tired, too lazy, too guilt laden, too self loathing & too foggy to. Grateful for another day to embrace & appreciate. Much love :kissing_heart:


Awesome! Have a wonderful day!


Say it louder for the ones in the back.


Thats the nature of the disease! Cunning baffling and powerful. But we must remember we gave it the power to rule our lives. But now we give the power to our higher power and the program. We do what we can and with each day comes gratitude that we aren't living the way we once did. Free at last free atlast the God I'm free atlast

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Good message. So many wasted days being wasted and not living.

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I honestly feel like a new person and that I’ve finally started to grow up in the 16 months that I’ve been sober.

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