A different weekend

Today is my Saturday.. I worked a ton the last few days. Usually I would celebrate and reward myself with a few drinks at the pub, chat up new connections, dance to the tunes juke box and eventually forget how I got home.. but it felt fun? I think… at least what I remembered.

But I would wake up feeling absolutely wrecked in a puddle of guilt, shame and probably my vomit… my debit card gone, my keys missing (how did I even get in the house?)

Gross to think of now. But these were often my rewards for working long days… this was so far from self care.

today is my Saturday. I am exhausted. I rewarded myself with a new movie, some take out and a face mask from the drug store.

Much cheaper, actually does make me feel comforted and tomorrow I will be ready to take on another day.

This is self care. This is my sobriety. And I feel tired and a bit lonely tonight. But I know those are simply passing moments.

One year is powerful. I am only getting stronger, braver and more aware.


I can totally relate. I imagine that we all can. Enjoy the movie, the food and wow your skin looks fantastic!

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Great job putty recovery first!
Loneliness is just an emotion. It will pass. Remember we are never alone we have God of our understanding right next us every second of every day. Keep up the good work!

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Congrats on a year!

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:+1: cool it’s a great example

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Love this!!! :green_heart:

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Good job. Keep it up. Liked reading that!

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