A boat in a storm

Ever wonder why there are so many paintings of a ship caught in a storm at sea? Why doe the image of a small vessel in a raging sea resonate such beauty and terror to us that every church has images depicted the heroic yet unfortunate battling the sea?

I think it is because we all know how it feels. Utterly alone and isolated from safety we know how the sailors in the ship must feel. Remember how alone it feels to be trapped in our past. Misfortune and poor decisions left us venerable to the destruction of life. I believe that is why the lighthouse and the harbor fill as many images. We all know what it felt like to see help and safety.

Some days we are the boat. Some days we are the lighthouse and the harbor. Choose to be the harbor every chance you get, and always endeavor to not become part of the storm.


Thanks for sharing.

Wow that was a beautiful depiction for all of us. If you are just beginning or if you have a few days things can get treacherous on our life journey. I personally know. It can be frightening to say the least. I do know by looking back that my higher power I choose to call God had me during my entire voyage and he still does.