A bit frustrated. Trying to get help isn’t easy and

A bit frustrated. Trying to get help isn’t easy and I’m blown away by that. I want off everything so bad. I’m tired of living like this. Basically use to maintain feeling normal and not awful. Won’t lie, screw up sometimes. I just thought getting or finding help would be easier than what it is. It’s very disappointing


I’m here… what’s up??

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You are brave for JUST asking!

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Thank you. I’ve been seeking help to get sober. And just hit roadblocks every time. I’d like a outpatient kind of thing. It’s now been two weeks. I just want to be done with it all. It’s very disappointing and disheartening. I’m tired of living this everyday.

Beautiful, you are going to have to live this every day!
It’s hard… it hurts… it’s lonely, BUT you can find people..


Google SAMSHA and call their help line. They can hook you up no matter where you live. It's a national database.


Or maybe it's SAMHSA

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Thank you! I’ll look that up

Got that right with all of it. Thank you. I appreciate you responding. January I lost the person I’d share everything with since I’ve been little so that’s been real hard too doing this

I also am waiting to hear if I’ll be getting insurance or not. If not I don’t know what I’ll do. I dunno if anyone would help without it. Doesn’t sound hopeful

Working the insurance game adds too the anxiety… you can find the help! Call someplace local.. they might be able to point you in the right direction!
You are worth it!!

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Thank you for that reminder!

There is a sober help section in the app. You might check it out. There is a list of treatment facilities there. There is also a telehelp section that might be of some help.

I had been where you were at once! I had insurance and still waiting list for rehabilitation centers were extensive. It took real perseverance and a strong desire to want it bad enough to finnaly get the assistance in was after! I know it feels impossible but nothing is if you place as much energy into it as you do on the addiction. I used to rise in the morning first thought was my obsession (generally alcohol,but could be anything), I started to replace my first thoughts with getting sober. Ultimately the rehabilitation center wasn't the answer, I graduated and relapsed after a year! The defining moment for me was you have to finnaly except enough is enough, you have hit your bottom, and no human power can help you. You can help your self and your higher power will identify your struggle and give you the strength you need to make it through. I really had no one else. The struggle is real, but so is the fight in you and your ability to win that fight! Motivational speakers on YouTube really helped me realize it really is more of a mental battle then a physical, the physical is short term.

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Artist NF song Change. Helps me.


Get 2 meetings. Listen & share.

I know where I live there are several hospitals that have detox centers and you go to the ER and check in that way. I am exactly where you are.......the insurance thing is a joke! Can you get on medicaid?

Love :heart: that song!

I will have to check that out. Thank you

Thanks. And I totally get what he your saying. It’s just for me at this moment I know what I need. It’s not the not having the drug and not being high, it’s that I can’t stand the days upon days of no sleep and all of my body pain coming back. Before I even started these stupid things I’ve had such awful back pain and other things they work amazing for. So the pain and no sleep absolutely drives me mad. I’ve mad it a little over a week before and a time after that a week and then I just turn right back to my DOC cause I feel like I’m gonna go insane. On the verge of a mental breakdown. So I know what I need help wise it’s just the matter of finding it. It’s been almost 3 weeks now since I first first someone for help with getting me help. They said they would try (they do this kinda thing for people all the time. Find them in or outpatient stuff and all that) and makes some calls and in the mean time for me to try and in the mean time for me to apply for insurance and see if I qualify. Well I’ve heard nothing from her since. And I’m waiting to hear anything at all from the insurance people. Now I’ve just waiting. Reached out to other things I’ve found around and haven’t heard back so I don’t know. Even the ones where they said no one will be turned away no matter their situation money, race, insurance, etc… wise and I guess they’re right cause if they just don’t get back to you technically they’re not turning you away :woman_shrugging:t3: so I dunno. I’m tired.