90 days sober! I never thought I would be here

90 days sober! I never thought I would get here. I was going to update my bio (due to I’m 24 now and not 23) but it made me remember all the times I tried to get is far. Thanks for all the support everyone!


Good for you. Keep working it


Thank you!

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Congrats Gene. 90 days is a great victory.

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Thank you Ana!


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Fantastic accomplishment!

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Thank you!

Thank you Bill!

90 days is an amazing accomplishment. Congrats on that. I find that each milestone you hit at the beginning such as 30, 60, 90, 6 months, becomes more and more motivation and rewarding than the one before it and kept me feeling each day that if I could do 90, I can do 91, then 92, and so on. Good for you, and just keep taking it one day at a time.

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You're welcome.

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Thank you so much Matt

Gene! Woohoo! You made it 90 days! Big accomplishment! Love it! Keep up the good work. Our disease is real! Mental health is as important as our gut health! Their connected! :joy:

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Totally agree with you! Thank you

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Fabulous! You’re welcome!


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Thank you!