8 months today

I have 8 months sobriety today for the first time in my drinking life. My life continues to benefit from a healthier body and a healthier mind. I'm grateful today for things I barely acknowledged or never noticed at all. If your newly sober, trust me when I say, wholeheartedly, that I believe if I can make it this far than anyone can.


Awesome, Mike! Congratulations on making 8 months!


Hi Mike,
Congrats! Isn't it heavenly waking up with a clear mind? So glad I'm sober again. It'll be 3 years this June. All the best.


Congrats Nicole! And thank you

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You are welcome. Reach out when you need to talk. Have an awesome day on purpose.

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Congratulations Mike!

That’s a BIG deal! As long as I don’t pick up a drink today, I will have 7 months tomorrow, which is the most time I’ve ever been able to put together.

Here’s to a happy, healthy, and most importantly, SOBER day!

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Great to hear congratulations :clap:

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Thanks everyone!

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Congratulations brother!!!

Congratulations :tada: good job Mike! I'm only 6months sober this is inspiring. The last couple days been struggling bad feel myself falling backwards

Congratulations, keep going it gets better day by day :+1:

Congress 8 days today for me