70 days booze free today! Went to my first sober

70 days booze free today!!
The hubby and I went to our first sober concert last night!! We have partied together since we were 16. We have been to so many concerts together!!
It was weird walking to the car at the end of it and actually remembering where our car was, being present at the concert, and not worrying about driving buzzed up on the way home!
Hope everyone had a good weekend! :notes: :blossom::two_hearts:


That’s awesome. How did you stop the drinking? What made you want to quit? I’m working on it but it’s hard so I just need a little advice and support. Also, what concern did you guys attend?


Whiskey Meijer’s/jamey Johnson. Country that isn’t on the radio. ◡̈

I know some of Jamey Johnson’s music. We are big Eric Church fans here.
So what made you want to stop drinking and how did you do it? I’m looking for a way to stop

I think I just got sick of being fuzzy brained and unhealthy. I started reading a lot of books. To quit drinking i believe you have to turn it into a positive thing. The book that helped the most was The Naked Mind. I think it helps that my husband read it and is on bored with quitting the booze. We shall see one day at a time. ◡̈.

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So he still drinks and was able to hold off the booze at the concert?

He was nervous to quit drinking, then he read the naked mind. He hasnt drank in 64 days. We are doing life booze free together.

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That is awesome! Sobriety has so much more perks and having a good night out is just one of many! Good job! Keep up the good work!


Wow, that’s awesome. Me and my wife were every night drinkers. Then she stoped for 4 months and now she will have a drink every now and then. She’s disciplined now when it comes to having a drink. Me on the other hand have drinks every night and I’m tired of it. Sometimes I don’t even feel like having a drink but it’s become a habit. I have to have a drink in my hand and we have a young son that sees this. I don’t feel good about him seeing me with a drink every day and I don’t feel present in the moment with him when im drinking.
I will have to check that book out

Its called This Naked Mind by Annie Grace.
I understand what you are say!! Our drinking became a nightly habit also!! Im not gonna lie the first month or two were kinda tricky, but it does get easier and easier. ◡̈.

Thanks a lot for talking to me. It’s nice to have people understand what your going through and to know there is light at the end of the tunnel

It was hard to quit drinking when you never hit a rock bottom and it didnt really effect my job or my personal relationships.
I just got to a point in my life where I wanted to be better and healthier. So far 70 days later I do feel a lot better and more productive!
Good luck to you!! :slight_smile:

And that’s what I’ve been asking, do you have to hit rock bottom to quit because I have not ever hit the bottom. I work, take care of my family and live a responsible life so unlike so many people on here they have a story to tell. I do not have a story, I just know drinking daily isn’t good for anyone. It seems tougher for people like us to quit because it hasn’t effected our lives in bad ways

Exactly!! Just start learning more about it! Learn what it does to your body and why it becomes a habit. Alcohol literally just slowly takes away your confidence and kills you.

Thank You Thank You Thank You for talking. It has definitely helped me

If you arent a reader get audio books. Thats what my husband did. :slight_smile:

I already looked up the book and listened to the preview. I’m not a reader so I will get the audio book

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Keep me posted! I want to know what you think of it!!