7 days sober after finally being honest with myself after

7 days sober after finally being honest with myself. It only took 30 years of agonizing demise to get here. The thing is, I feel like an emotional wreck where I thought I would be proud of myself. I keep telling myself I need to find a meeting but I just stare at my phone and my mind blurs. Thoughts anyone?


For starters, congrats. Recognizing you were living in denial and now knowing you need help is the first and hardest step. The emotions will ebb and flow. That’s only natural. Invite others into this season. Take action. If you can’t find a meeting for yourself, ask a friend to do it for you, and maybe even if they will join you for support. You’ve got this!

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Every day it gets a little better, it took a while for my mind and body to slowly adjust. It took me a year and a half to go to my first meeting and I was a bitter dry drunk with no outlet. There is something about going to meetings and being around honest people who get you and know the shit we go through that brings some peace and serenity to you. I now look forward to my meetings and make more progress every day. You should be proud of yourself for taking the first step. Now let the healing start to begin!

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Meetings an rehab were very good way to start the rest of my life .still think about it 23yrs later . Good luck

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There is lots of help within this app and plenty of online meetings at intherooms.com. We have been where you are. You took the most important big step. Be kind and gentle with yourself and keep reaching out!

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Thank you all it’s helping already

Good morning Brian. Congrats on Day 7.

Feeling like an emotional wreck is definitely common. Please be proud of yourself. You are pursuing a healthier lifestyle and saving money as you defeat drinking alcohol.

You can find virtual meetings on www.aa.org and don't feel obligated to speak if you aren't ready.

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Hey Brian! Awesome to hear that you are finally ready! Took me a long time to finally be honest with myself. As for myself, I never did meetings, but some people need them. Sounds as though you try one out and see if it's for you!

Congratulations on making 7 days. Amanda posted a good link to find meetings. If you are nervous check out a zoom meeting. It is a bit less like you actually went to a meeting. You got this man

It'll get better... Your feeling after what's probably been awhile of numbing yourself. I got emotional and had alot of anxious energy. You got this! Just gotta go through it but you will find strength and pride!!!

Hi :wave:, this is a great place for meetings around the clock and around the world :earth_americas: - Browse the Directory of Online Meetings | Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous