7 Days Clean - Yet Amazed by the 1

7 Days Clean and went to my first NA meeting in 2 years​:dancer::partying_face::star_struck::woman_in_lotus_position::hugs:!!!!

All praise to God’s goodness. The one who will finish the work he has started. :revolving_hearts::sparkling_heart: I thank God that somehow unknown to me I made it through That first day :sweat: all the rest have been #blessed.


It’s really a day at a time it took me 3 years to get sober just don’t quit meetings we all nddd support just accept little things like waking up sober not having that obsession it will go away just don’t let your deseaise kill you

Nicely done!:smiley:

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Amen :pray: it’s taken me 5 years to accept that Im truely an addict and I’m happy to know it because you are so right I refused to get support thinking I didn’t have a problem but I’m grabbing all that I can get now lol :joy:.

Thank you :pray: :blush: :exclamation:

Hang in there you’ll be amazed at the journey your on just ask your higher power to accept things one day at a time what a life your gonna have

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Congratulations sis

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Thank You :blush: :heart:

Thank you! Pushing Through :blush::love_you_gesture:t5::exclamation:


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Thank you :blush:

How you doing

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Proud of ya

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Doing good :relieved: hope you are as well.

It’s one day at a time eventually that cloud goes away I promise

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