7 Days back

I had 30 days, now I have 7. I am so discouraged and I don’t know if anything is helping. I’m disappointed in myself that I have failed so many times to get sober. I’m trying to stay positive but it is near impossible. Idk what to do, I need a sponsor but I can’t find one in 2020 with virtual meetings, I’ve had no luck. I don’t know where to begin and I really don’t know when to stop.

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First things first. Slow down just a bit. We live 24 hours at a time. Sometimes that seem like moving a mountain, others, as you progress in your step work. Are nothing but a breeze. Congratulations on your time.


Welcome back! Counting your days doesn't have to be your main focus, just focus on not drinking. The sponsor thing can be a challenge during the virtual time, but the literature can still be very helpful. Use the big book and some meetings to help you through.


Just keep going to meetings, Zoom and telephone meetings. You double up on them when you need to! This is a insidious dis-ease and you keep coming back! Your ok and stick around for the Miracle!


The fact you made it to 30 days is awesome! So is the fact you’re back! no one is perfect, and it’s all about the journey. I bet there was a time when you couldn’t have imagined making it 30 days (that’s a dream for me right now, and I want to make it but I’ve never come close) - look at all the progress you have made so far. Sometimes it’s two steps forward, one back, but you’re still going forward. Don’t give up. Be kind to yourself!


Kelsea, know that you are not the only one. Relapses are normal on the road to sobriety. The point is you got back up.

Stay up. Attend meetings. Converse with other members. Know that you are worth sobriety.


Dont be discouraged! Learning from a relapse, i feel made me a stronger person and figured out reasons for why it happened. I am apart of an amazing meeting 8pm called Nightly newcommers . I found a sponsor and amazing group of people. Stay positive , your not alone !!


Like everyone has wonderully shared before me, don’t give up!!! It is SO difficult with the pandemic the connection isn’t there as much as in person, the accountability feels less there as well- please be gentle with yourself it’s A VERY difficult time for the entire world ESPECIALLY addicts! don’t give up on the virtual meetings, we have no in person ones by me either but I’m proud of you for getting on this app & reaching out. Please share about these struggles in the meetings you’re attending and posting on here & join the groups. Like Eric said read the literature & take it one day at a time. Even at the hour- we’re here for you