6th day being sober from heroin hoping I can keep

6th day being sober from heroin hoping I can keep going I’m feeling good though been battling this since 2014 longest I’ve been clean was 9 months I struggle with a lot of depression and anxiety which leads to me slipping sometimes but I’m so tired of this cycle thinking of checking into rehab because I’ve never tried that before but I have to wait because of a court date hoping I can stay sober until then any advice would be helpful

Hi , yes you can and you are doing it stay strong bro

Thanks man I really appreciate the support :+1:t3:

Keep the faith. It took a long time for me to get off dope. Hope all goes well with court and getting clean

Thanks man I really appreciate the support and yea I regret ever trying dope at least I’m not in withdrawals because I only slipped up for 3 days before that I was clean for about a month but when something not so good happens in my life the first thought I get in my head is to buy smack I’m just tired of it

It’s a ruthless cycle. Happy to here no withdrawals. How long have u been using?

7 years

Yea it really is man yea I’m glad I don’t have to go through withdrawals I haven’t had any for a long time because I’ve been stuck in this cycle that i would use for a few days and then stop for like 3 weeks and then start using again oat beginning I was doing it everyday and then stopped for 9 months straight because those withdrawals scared the shit out of me I was hallucinating and hearing things and I was hallucinating some really dark shit then I started again and then stopped again for a few months im just trying to stop completely because I always get into some trouble or do something dumb when I’m high and yea its been 7 years

I have felt kind of shitty sometimes but never like full on withdrawals ill just feel low on energy and kind of more depressed then usual

Don’t hope know that your going to stay sober.

Yea I know going to try my best to stay sober until my court date so I can get myself in rehab already called the place and everything but they told me I would have to take care of that first luckily my court date is on the 26 of this month so I should be alright until then thanks for reaching out really appreciate it

They cant take you till you go to court

Try another one

None of them can take me because they can’t drive me to court I’ve already tried and I can only go to specific ones because only a few are fully covered my health insurance and I really want to go to this one because all the other ones that my health insurance cover are in Baltimore and that’s where I go to buy the stuff Baltimore is really bad man Baltimore is the capital of dope in whole USA that shit is everywhere and I’m trying to avoid being in that area

That make sense now

Yea bro but I’ll be fine until then. I’m sure rehab will make a difference in my life

It will there a lot more to life

Have you been there yourself? Yea I know there is I want to get back to the person I was before dope. I’ve lost a lot because of that shit