6 months today..feel like im does it ever get

6 months sober today..feel like im battling craving demons 24/7 does it ever get easier?

Prayers sent for healing and strength

Thanks Robin!
Safely relocated 4 raccoon today sending one to a wildlife rehab those little guys helped me more than I helped them today.

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Hey, Zach. Totally normal. Some find it easier. Some don't. You have the power to choose your hard. It can be/is hard to take it 1 day at a time. Or you can drink. I'm not saying you'll do the later. Nor am I trying to be a Debbie Downer. I just want you to deeply think about the choice we have daily. I believe you will do the next best thing. I'm extremely proud of you for reaching 6 months. Keep going.

Pain is necessary.
Suffering is optional!

Thanks Amanda!

The whole one day at a time thing is so hard Loriane in this instant satisfaction society I struggle for patience.