532 days sober. I’m feeling blessed. Anyone out there that

532 days sober. I’m feeling blessed. Anyone out there that I can help please let me know. I want to pass this blessing on.


Fantastic. Keep it up!

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I really need a sponser….I’m new and desperately trying to kick opiates

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i came here looking for community Ryan. anyone who’s gone even one more day than i have, is someone i would love to connect with. PS - Jackie congratulations on joining the group. you should be extremely proud of yourself for taking a step in the right direction and asking for help. wishing us all peace and serenity :v:

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That is so awesome I'm glad you did I made it 7 years when I relapse

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Woohoo! :metal:t2::tada::pray:t2:

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Hey Jackie, I’ll send you a message.

Hi! I made it 5 the first time, this is time 2!

God bless you!!

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What was what you found that worked for you? 60 days for me today