5 days sober. Pounding out day 6. Last time I

5 days sober. Pounding out day 6. Last time I went to the doctor I was 167/109 (drinking a 12 pack of white claws a night). Today 5 days AF. 142/86. On top of that. She prescribed me Naltrexone. She says no side effects and no personality killers so I can stay motivated. It’s supposed to just hit the right receptors. Wish me luck.


Good luck and stay strong. Might have to look into that stuff myself. I’ve been in a similar rut this year, usually 6 to 8 24oz cans of sparkling (usu Truly here). Beginning to wonder if I’ll make it through this year unless I stop. Is naltrexone expensive or does insurance cover it? My budget is crap right now bc of the drinking

I’m on state insurance so it’s free at the moment. Lol.

Nice :slight_smile:

I believe in you.

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