
I’m counting down to my 1 year mark. I know 1 day at a time and all, but I’m feeling anxious about it.


You got it

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I'll high five you at midnight that night :wink:.

I've realized I'm not as excited about the date as I imagined because it brings back a flood of memories of where I was last year. If it helps you at all, I am going to recognize it but I've just decided in my head just like any other day it's one day to not drink again. 365 here we come!


I typed out a big long spiel about not celebrating it and treating it like another day, because that’s really what I plan to do too.

It’s nice to have a sober buddy with the same birthday. :raised_hands::raised_hands:


Hi Craig,
I'll be thinking of you on your 1 year mark because it's my birthday. Congrats! It's an awesome feeling.

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Good job

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Don't be anxious. You will achieve 1 year.

So proud of you!!!!

It really is your memorial weekend.

It’s my bellybutton birthday too!!

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I was always told when I got nervous about an anniversary, that is about me, yes. But it's more about showing the newcomer that it can be done. Somehow, that always made me less nervous