47 days sober!

47 days sober! Some days are amazing! I feel positive, energized, happy, and ready to go! :heart:
Other days I feel meh, boring, and and not so energized and ready to go.
I keep myself very busy and try to be positive. ◡̈
I spent years of my life with a fuzzy head or a hangover!
Its been wonderful waking up hangover free and taking on the day no matter what mood I’m in!
Im over all happy, more energized, better at my job, better at being a mom, I’m just over all better at life when I dont drink.
Stay sober and enjoy the ride friends!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :sunny: :heart: :blossom:


Those emotions are normal. We all have those days.

In 2 days it'll be 7 weeks. I'm extremely proud of you.

Thank you ◡̈ I feel slightly bipolar sometimes! LoL.
I know its all part of the process! <3