43 days sober today

43 days sober today, my boyfriend and me got in a fight and he left me for good he said.


Wow 4 hrs ago I told someone I was moving g on for good and I am 43 days sober as of 4/21/2021 as well Stephanie. I did it as I need to close door on something in order to help myself and focus on my sobriety. If you are not working on your sobriety you are working on your relapse. Keep your head up. Ok?

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Regardless, the end of a relationship is stressful. Don't let it be an excuse to use.

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Well sadly I didn’t make it to my magic 44 day this time.. but I won’t give up. I have to share something tho I was awaiting a 30 day NA key tag and I went to the mailbox and I see it had arrived , I relapsed then opened it, it was a newcomer keytag not my thirty day!!! Wow right?!


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Heartbreak is the worst. I'm sorry you're going through that. It's great that you're reaching out. If you haven't already try to connect with someone through a meeting on zoom or if they have them in person where you're, all the better. Stay on guard you can do this. The first 30 days are the hardest. Continue to reach out we can't do this alone. Surround yourself with people that are sober and productive. :+1:

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I'm sorry. Are you sure he means that? We tend to say things we don't mean when we're upset.

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Yes he seems to so far, I haven’t seen him since so it’s just getting through these days of waking up talking to him and the dog too.. and all of the things he left behind... fun fun

That should tell you something

Hi :wave:

My name is James from DC; I'm coming up on 13 years clean & sober. The ONE THING that you reminded me of is that for the journey of recovery, it's ONE DAY AT A TIME! :timer_clock: You're ok :ok_hand:; you're not alone on this journey.

That is a wow moment. One day at a time sister
