416 days clean and sober. These nightmares are horrible im

416 days clean and sober. These nightmares are horrible I'm using and homeless chasing dope.


Hi Carmen. Congrats on Day 416.

Ugh! :weary: I'm sorry you're having those nightmares. I'm glad it's a nightmare and nor reality.

Hi Carmen. I don’t really know what to say about the nightmares. I use to have nightmares, bad ones when i would go to bed really drunk. I hope they start to become relaxing dreams soon. Also, congratulations on 416 days. That’s amazing!

Just keep going ....one day at a time

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Congratulations! :clap: Sorry about the nightmares. Hopefully they will end sooner than later.

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"Using dreams" can be frightening for sure. Why do they occur? I'm not at all sure. Someone once told me that "Baseball players dream about baseball. Addicts dream about..."
That made sense to me. :pray:
Keep your chin up Carmen. :+1::relieved:

Very sorry for what you are going through and how scary that might be. You are strong and doing amazing. Sending prayers your way :yellow_heart:.

Carmen I wish I had the advice to stop the nightmares. Do you have a counselor? They help some people. Also Journaling your nightmares might help. Had a friend who did that then burned them. She said it helped her.