40 days sober. I have a trip planned to North

40 days sober. I have a trip planned to North Carolina next weekend. I'll be around a ton of drinking all weekend, and I'm going to a Nascar event. Any tips on staying the course? I'm confident I can stay strong. I plan to attend a meeting out there during my trip to get some support.


I had to fly solo (thru Vegas!) when I was around 60 days and I just read snd read. 12&12 mostly.


Yeah ill probably bring the big book with me. Good idea, thanks

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Just don’t drink! I will pray for you Steve. You are stronger than me. I could not do something like that.

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Congrats on 40!
I would have plenty of my preferred beverage (ginger ale) with me and if I felt that urge I would take a walk away from the crowd until it passes.
One day at a time :pray:


I went on an all expense payed booze infused work trip to Hawaii 10 days into sobriety :anguished::anguished::anguished: Keep a drink (soda, bottle of water, etc) in your hand so people won't be as likely to try and give you a drink, keep the numbers of your sponsor or sober friends ready to dial, and if possible have an exit strategy/drive yourself. Stay prayed up- you can do it!!!


How did things go at the Nascar event?


It was hard but I stayed sober!

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Awesome. If you ever hit up another Nascar event in NC let me know. I have been wanting to go and we can be sober there together.

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Definitely man! Only one a year but this year was awesome