4 weeks sober!

Ive made it 4 weeks now and I'm looking forward to more.

Its still a struggle but it gets easier every day. I just have to remind myself why I stopped and how things can only get better.


congrats! thats awesome

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Congratulations man. That’s huge!!

Congrats Heather! Way to go! Some days r easier than others... sending out good vibes ur way--so we all be seeing u post ANOTHER 4weeks from now-- that it's 8! Keep working it

So what are doing to stay sober and recover?

I'm proud of you. And you pressed through another holiday sober!

Speaking with a therapist and laying low for the first couple weeks. Ive started a few different hobbies as well and just focusing on trying to be better to others.

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Thanks! Memorial day was tough but I'm glad ill remember it this year.

Are you going to try attending AA meetings? It's a great program.

I'm considering it. Ive done AA in the past and the others in the group were very kind and helpful.

Here are some AA Speakers until you can make it to a meeting. For me it works out great because I'm a truck driver and I do a lot of traveling for the week