362 days today!

Yay!! Congratulations!! You’re an inspiration to me, I’m just over a month clean and sober. Thank you for sharing this milestone with us!

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Congrats. So close. Just passed my year last week. Welcome!

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Yay! Way to go! Congratulations !!!! One day at a time.

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Your winning, Charly sheen seid, as his tail wing burned, keep up the good work, be careful and God bless

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You got this girlie!! It’s hard some days, really hard. But it’s amazing how much my life turned around… I look back now and my jaw drops at the things I used to do/say and how sad I was inside.

Reach out, keep reaching out. Have someone to talk to when it’s hard and remember you are so strong!



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That’s amazing! Congrats💖

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Congratulations Amy! Way to Go!…. My prayers are with you of support, compassion, kindness, with empathy, patience, & love on your healthy journey of Sobriety Daily ! Very happy, & joyful for your Wonderful progression, & success!
God Bless

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[am now: free of alcohol/ drugs/ & cigarettes: for 5 years, & 3 months! :pray::heart: ] …and, wonderful, healthy diet (eating habits: & healthy relationship with Food & Nutrition )… down from: 235 Lbs, to 170 Lbs… much better… and, a choice of a healthy lifestyle!
Amy, thank you very much for sharing your progression, & beautiful success story! :pray::heart::cowboy_hat_face:
God Bless

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Congratulations :clap:

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