325 days sober and feeling bored of it. Why do

325 days sober and feeling bored of it. Why do I almost miss nights of losing control and making bad decisions and just blaming it on the booze. Being responsible is stupid sometimes.

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Hang in there. I would kill for almost a year sober. Good on you, mate!

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Thank you

You need something to fill up your time ... a sober activity.. Is there something else going on that you want to escape from ...

Sometimes everything sometimes nothing. I just feel on edge and unsatisfied recently.

I can totally relate to that ... try focusing on your breathing and being present in the moment NOW . your almost at a year and I know how lonely it can get ...

I think that’s a lot of it is the loneliness. Hard knowing where to fit in and doing it without my old friend crippling alcoholism. I feel like I’m relearning how to be a person completely.

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Because you know that’s not the reality of it.

Be of service. If your not going to do anything do something for someone else the world could use it.

That’s great advice, Linda. Amazing.