310 days into sobriety and really stressing about my year

310 days into sobriety and really stressing about my year. What happens after I hit it. Feel like I’ll fall off after I hit it.


Why are you stressing about a couple months from now? Everyone tells me to take it a day at a time. Just get through this 24 hrs, then do it again. And I've done my research, and there is no rule that says you have to drink/use on day 365. Be chill buddy :slight_smile:

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Yeah man I got my year mark coming up in June. Figured I was just gonna decide whether it was worth it Or not. Most likely gonna keep it going. I like who I am sober.

Yeah man. After day 365 comes day 366. That’s how it goes.

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I also like myself when I’m sober too. Thx

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Totally true. Thx bro

Congrats on Day 310.

Don't stress. It's not good for your sobriety.

Many people don't fall after their first year and are sober years and decades later. So why not you?

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Stay in the moment.