30 days sober and doing better than expected. 🀘🏻

30 days sober and doing better than expected. :metal:t2:


Cool Julian, I’ve found I don’t like surprises when dealing with my sobriety. The program is a sure fire, no frills, I know what I’m going to get. That’s sobriety, ease and comfort. Dm me for more details.

Keep it up!

Congrats Julian! Keep kicking butt ! :point_up:t2::muscle:

Keep kicking butt.

Keep it up! The first time I quit after 30 days, I thought maybe I don't have a problem with the alcohol; I just need to manage my drinking better. My advice, avoid that trap because my drinking got out of hand pretty quickly. So keep it up; today is day 555 for me, and I feel better every day.

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What did you expect?

What is your problem Jack

It’s like Robert said be careful because that your disease talking to you saying it’s OK. But it’s not OK just remember that. If you get any thoughts about you can control your drinking. Do you need to get to a meeting right away and talk about it.

Congratulations keep up the good work