30 days clean and sober! Thank you all!

30 days clean and sober! Thank you all!


Congrats Brad. I'm proud of you.


Awesome man. Keep it up.

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Great job.

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Keep it up!


Me too. Congrats to us!!


Woohoo! Brad! Keep up the good work! Ride the pink cloud for as long as you can. While riding said cloud learn what new emotions come up. My emotions try to play tricks on me, lol. From being hungry, or hangry, to tears :sob: out of nowhere. It’s all part of recovery. Feel them, learn what triggers them. Oh and most importantly no intimate relationships!
I know it’s tough but if you can avoid it for one year you’ll be a better version of yourself in the long run. And less chance of creating more wreckage long your new path!
Enjoy sobriety! God is love!

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I actually live with my fiancé who has been amazing through all of this

good job! :open_hands:

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