30 days ago: I was a wreck

30 days ago: I was a wreck. Scared about what happened at a party, had a very blurry memory, got kicked out of bars and coffee shops, didn't sleep and walked in the cold for hours, depressed, ashamed and wished everything ended. I promised myself that I would never put myself in that situation and give myself love and respect. It's just the beginning, it has been 30 days since I touched any alcohol or any other bad shit. I would like to thank folks who welcomed me and gave me support. I am figuring out my social and dating life. But man, I definitely feel better healthwise.


Congratulations!! I just got 30 days on Sunday :blush: definitely feels good to have some clarity. Keep up the good work!!


Thats awesome... keep up the great work!


Thank you Bryan

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Thank you Rachel. Congratulations to you too. So you have a maine coon? I bet she/he is very talkative

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That is awesome man. Keep it up.

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Proud of you.

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Thats great to hear. It reminds us that those feelings/thoughts are temporary (though they feel like forever) and it's the power of addiction - to trick our minds into thinking were in hell, to get us using again.

When I realized and recognized how powerful addiction is, it gave me a bunch of clarity. Addiction will try to survive and keep going, but we must continue to fight it.

Here's to another 30 days!

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She’s just a street cat. Only weighs about 8 lbs

I know this feeling well! I would get kicked out of bars frequently for acting like an annoying child. The shame of looking back (or not being able to) look back on those situations has always been hard for me to deal with.

Hey, sometimes I find it funny.

Tell her that I said she looks cute

I agree. Realization is the first step towards success

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I feel you Ajay I was in the same path. CONGRATS and keep it up.. Your loving yourself thats great..

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