3 years sober from booze, facing separation and feeling so

3 years sober from booze, facing separation and feeling so isolated, hopeless, and alone. Looking for any support


Anytime you're feeling lonely, find an online meeting. There are so many right now across the country that we could be in then 24 hrs a day if wanted (or needed). I am currently separated and it is extremely lonely and sad, BUT, I know those feelings are temporary and will pass. That tomorrow I will feel just a little bit better than I did today. Take this time to focus on yourself, do things you love, work your program. One day at a time.


If please go to meetings and share about it. Don't keep that stuff bottled up inside

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So awesome about the three years no booze. I went through a separation and had similar feelings and emotions when I first got sober, it was rough. The good deal is that there is hope and it gets better. Find ways to keep active with your sobriety. Do you attend meetings regularly, workout program, go to the laundry mat, volunteer at the community center? All these are things that bring the opportunity to interact with other people and be of service all while keeping yourself active and not isolated. Just a thought, you are doing great!


I’ve been taking an art class every Saturday, it keeps my mind focused but there’s lots of classes you can take just to meet new people


I couldn't have said it better, Kevin

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Hey Allison. Hope you made it through the day ok and that tomorrow is better

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Congrats on three years no booze! I’m deeply sorry to hear about going through a separation. Sometimes change isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It definitely can be scary but I’ve learned that change is the only thing constant in life. I’m going through a divorce. I was very scared of change in my addiction days. Today I can look back and find the gift in my divorce. My ex-wife saved my life. I’m 579 days clean and sober. I’m working a beautiful program of sobriety, rebuilding my relationships, and growing my company that I almost lost. So the I received a big gift out of my divorce. Today I can say Thank you to her well technically not to her face due to the 3 year restraining order, lol :joy: but I’m not angry.
Look for the gift in every situation. For me it’s growth.
Keep your head up. Life gets better

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Thanks so much everyone for the kind words :heart: very thankful things are going better at home. Thank you all so much for the support.


I'me a Christian who believes in the Bible so I will never be an advocate of anyone getting divorced once they've been married except for adultery.
Having said that, many people get married for the wrong reasons and it's usually with alcohol involved. When people like yourself get to a point where you start living a sober life it's not unusual for couples to come to the conclusion that they are not right for each other. When we get sober, it's kind of like turning the light on.
Things look very different than they did when we were practicing.

Wow! 3 years! That's amazing! I wish I had that amount of clean time! Not to minimize what you're going through; I just hope the three years takes precedence when doing your gratitude list. Hang in there!

Very tough road ,alone and sober, double down on meetings if possible, social situations of any kind, use phone numbers call every day ,check in with others

With you, Allison