3 scammers in one day... kinda fun to toy with

3 scammers in one day... kinda fun to toy with them but sad they are preying on people who are potentially vulnerable. Look out everyone! Random friend requests are not a sound reason for alarm, but the following questions asking for your email, phone number, and personal information should be reported to loosid staff to get rid of these cockroaches

Yes. It's really getting annoying. I talked to one person for a while and learned me lesson. I was just being nice accepting friend requests and then realized I could figure it out pretty easily by just making a judgment call on profile or yea within a few questions :joy:

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Yes they are all this site. It is unbelievable

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Thanks John! I appreciate this. I know it's frustrating for everyone. We remove scammers daily throughout the day. Unfortunately, we don't catch them all right away- but it helps when they're reported.

My grandfather died a year ago this past Thursday. Our family and friends have received 8 friend requests from people pretending to be him on Facebook. I've encountered scammers on Instagram. Man, I even get the "your car's extended warranty is about to expire" calls at least 3 times a month. I even had someone call me accusing me of hitting their car and leaving the scene. They said I left my insurance information and they're calling to make sure it's valid. These folks called me 30 times in less than 6 minutes. I looked up their number and many reported the same scam. It's sickening.

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Amanda is the “report user” link good enough? I know you’ve posted an email address but that’s a pain yo do from the phone I think.

Yep, that's fine, too. I tend to post the email option because we get more reports when I disclose that than if I inform others of the report button.

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You won the scammer lotto today, my friend! :rofl: Sorry, though. It is annoying. I totally agree!

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They are the catfish of the world and they are EVERYWHERE!