29 and New to sobriety

29 years old here New to sobriety not an every day drinker maybe 4 days a week and when I drink drink hard normally black out just ruined a relationship I was trying to reunite with my ex girlfriend of 5 years, who ironically broke up with me because of my drinking 5 months ago, than when we talked for a week or two she said she seen red flags because my drinking was still a problem and now she is done with me, I am tired of ruining relationships whether they are romantic or just regular friendships. Tired of waking up hungover and feeling ashamed and guilty and anxious. Just want to be the best version of me I can be and that’s one without alcohol wish me luck on my journey I will need it

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You can do this. I too am tired of drinking, tired of waking up the next day groggy and mad at myself. Good for you to recognize this at 29 years old. I'm 52 and have been drinking heavily for the last decade and am finally ready to stop. It is not going to be easy, but let's remind ourselves of what is at stake with alcohol. It's NOT worth it.

You don’t need luck. Luck doesn’t cure cancer and it sure af won’t cure addiction.

Alcoholism is a progressive disease. It gets worse and worse until you get sober or die.

Get into a program of recovery. Lots of people choose AA but there are many that have proven to be effective. SMART recovery is often mentioned. There are some based in Buddhism as well.

The one thing common to all of them is this: you’ve got to do something different, because what you’ve been doing doesn’t work anymore.

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