266 days sober. I used to blame my depression on

266 days sober. I used to blame my depression on the fact that I was a drunk. Been sober for a sec and been really down and depressed the last few days. Makes me really want to say fuck it and drink

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Great work!!! You quit for a reason never forget what its like to be in the middle of a binge.


Hang in there


You’ve got this. The sadness will pass


If depression has persisted you may consider a therapist, and try talking to your doctor. Dome of us thought it was us so we drank. Now that we are sober we find it is clinical depression. I'm not saying you have depression but if you seem to be struggling with it more often then not, you might want to talk to a professional.

That said,if it isn't depression, you jave the power to control how your day effects you. You can do this.


Hi Caleb. Congrats on 266 days.

Depression sucks, man. Do you have a professional you can speak with?

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Me to

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That a tough feeling Caleb. But just remember that drinking is never the answer. The feelings of being down will pass. Drinking will only cause further bad feelings and depression later on.


Dude you try do a gratitude list

Time takes time. I had to learn how to be patient with the process of healing. Maybe consider stimulating your mind, research depression and ways to manage it. Hope this helps, have a great day.