241 days sober and life is still hard

241 days sober and life is still hard...

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I feel that way sometimes. But then i try to remember how much harder it was with a hangover. I know thats not the best answer but its what helps me. Maybe just think about some of your worst mess ups while drinking. Good luck philip.


I hate to sound cliché- but that's life. But life sober is not as hard as being in addiction.


This actually made me laugh a bit! Thank you, life was much harder with a hangover

I always have 4 thoughts about life.
1 life...the hardest thing you'll ever do.
2 don't say life is short...it's the longest thing we got
3 life is the deadliest and most common std. It always ends in death.
4 life is hard, I wouldn't have it any other way.

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Don't let life defeat you

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I feel ya, I’m at 145 days and have been wondering when does this start getting better.....:thinking:

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