24 days clean and sober. I didn’t think I would make it this far, everyday is a little better and easier to get through. The destruction and neglect I caused while drinking and using have left me overwhelmed

Racing thoughts and can’t seem to focus on one task


Congrats on your 24!! Keep moving one day at a time. Those other things will get better as you go.


Hello Jess, Congratulations on 24 days. Racing thoughts I Still have those and I have 37 years sobriety.When I get those racing feelings I just started on things. Like cleaning the house that always helps. and I also talk to people to help get rid of those thoughts. I know for me if I’m in that spot of thoughts it doesn’t do me any good. But they do go away and you might get them once in a while.


My therapist tells me to breathe and get to a meeting... racing thoughts are common and will always be there!


I’m only recently getting my attention span back and I’m 9 months sober

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Congratulations! That's a helluva an accomplishment. Keep coming back.

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First 24 is the hardest, the rest is ez especially if you get with the right people. Dm me for offline 12 step miracle tools if interested

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How’s it going!?

Manic thinking is what the Greeks called insanity

It really gets better….. I know it doesn’t seem like it now, but living sober just becomes “normal.” There’s still problems, there is still joy, it’s just all seen and dealt with through a new perspective.

Keep it going! Stay involved in meetings and people who bring sober vibes. The hard part is staying sober so surround yourself with positive sober people vs people who drink and so drugs are my thoughts

Congratulations Jess! First month is especially hard. 310 days sober I think and it's not all sunshine and rainbows but yiu can do it and just joining here, creating some new NO judgment people is a big step. Prayers for you :pray:

Keep up the good work racing thoughts happen. Try and stay occupied. Talk to friends find some sober ladies to hang with