225 days sober. I feel great ๐Ÿ˜Ž. I joined Anytime Fitness

225 days sober.
I feel great :sunglasses:. I joined Anytime Fitness on Tuesday. I have not stepped foot into a gym in over 12 years. Ouch! I can feel it in my joints. Joining is definitely gonna keep my mind busy. Hopefully Iโ€™ll meet some non drinkersโ€ฆ.


Yeah, I'm in that boat too. The only weights that I was lifting were 12 ounces and 1-3 grams. I taking fitness really slowly. They say that speaking with your doctor is wise. :thinking: :relieved:
Congratulations on your 225 days!!!:+1: :muscle::pray::hugs:

Thanks John. I got a little dizzy try to do some squats. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Cool man. Just don't hurt yourself.

Congrats on Day 225.

Take it easy. It took me 5 days to recover from a recent gym visit.

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