20 years sober anyone need advice

I am 20 years sober I have been all over in and out up and down over and out and kept with it if anyone needs any advice or words of wisdom just let me know


Thank you.

Hi I'm new to recovery I have 76 days clean and sober. Im in treatment. I scared when I get discharged February 28

Is there anyone here I can talk to

Whats happening bro?

Well that’s great you have until February to figure things out! My advice would be to start working on your coping mechanisms, is the treatment you’re at 12 step based? That’s super helpful too. Will you be living in the same city that you’re in treatment at? Making some sober friends there will also help, even if it’s just to call on those rough days. you could also try moving to sober living when you get out, thats what I did. The women I lived with helped hold me accountable & were nice to talk to or help if they felt bad.

Im at 9 months how have you managed with out a relapse