2 years sober last Monday... does it ever get easier?

2 years sober last Monday... does it ever get easier???


This is only my opinion but no life does not get easier. BUT nothing easy in life is worth doing. Drinking was easy and that created terrible outcomes for me/us. However, I do find life to be more manageable at times where I would have turned to a drink. I would like to think I have more tools in my arsenal to help me not pick up then I did the day before. Problems don't seem too overwhelming but the still exist. What is easy is falling out of the flock of sobriety by thinking we have this figured out and stop working your program. Congrats on 2 years that is amazing and once again shows that recovery is possible for those who really want it! :nerd_face::pray::fire:

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I do not think that we ever graduate from recovery to recovered. Even after 32 years, there are days or situations that my sobriety hangs on a minute by minute, play by play basis. Stay vigilant and make good sober choices. Eventually they seem to be the natural choice. Prepaid yourself for hard times and be wary of good times, they can lull you into a state of complacency where a moment of weakness is all it takes. Sobriety is a full-time job.

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Prepare not prepaid.... stupid spellchecker

That depends on us and our motives. If we have a desire to live a sober/clean life and mind our own affairs. Peace and love is possible. If we have an honest desire for our higher power to take us to better things and are sorry for our past mistakes. We belive we will have learned our lesson well. If our conduct continues to harm others we are quite sure to use!


Hell yes it does!!!! Listen life will never be a bed of Rose's, but learning how to deal with life on lifes terms gets way easier. Knowing what and how to deal with things will always be a challenge, but knowing you can get through them with a sober and solid mind is what makes sober life different. Its what makes it worth living

Not at all, it’s a daily job. I made it to 6 years, thought I was all cured... ended up with a dui - stay strong :muscle:t2: you got this love :two_hearts:

If it were easy would it be worth the payoffs? No ticky no laundry!

Are you talking about sobriety and dealing with life's stressors in general? If you're talking about sobriety, I think that we all have to do is compare the degree of temptation very early on to that in increasing sobriety and the answer becomes pretty apparent. But if you are talking about the latter, I think the answer is more complicated. I know that if I don't work on continuing to address the core issues that drove me to addiction initially, life in sobriety will stagnate and continue to be difficult.

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Hi Shelley, congrats on 2yrs. Good for you. There is nothing wrong with you, the healing process takes time. I would suggest you continue to work on your resiliency, practice an attitude of patience (managing your expectations) keep working on a better understanding of acceptance and tolerance. Attitude is altitude. Currently you are working to protect your sobriety and recovery. In time you will find consistency with peace and serenity. Be kind to yourself, just keep up the good work. 2 years is awesome!!! Have a great day😎

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