2 years and 40 days sober, but that little voice

2 years and 40 days sober, but that little voice is starting to say, "What's the point?"

Steps 10, 11 and 12. And get to a meeting!!

Consider making a gratitude list. You'll have your reasons for staying sober next time you hear that little voice.

Same ^ that hasn't worked for me yet

Same ^ that hasn't worked for me yet but if it's anything I'm glad you are sober and I will keep going to get to that mark

Because you admitted to being you. 2 years is big that's the point

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I'm curious. I saw a post of yours that said a sauna is important at a gym. May I ask where you are from?

California it's not that it's important I just love the detox. I feel cleaner

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Ah, yes. Very good. That's exactly what they are for. I pretty much grew up in a sauna. I was just curiius

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Yep I have some particulates I want to sweat out of my pores just curious do you think Ice treatments are bad after I hear some sauna goers have a difference of opinion.

You're doing the right thing. Just be careful not to stay in it too long at first. And, especially if you have elevated blood pressure

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Most def thanks

Sometimes we have to look in the mirror and convince ourselves that we are worth being better. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves why we got sober in the first place.