2 days sober. Does an app really help if

2 days sober. Does an app really help if my only friends are more 'drinking buddies?' Hoping to find new people that I can lean on.


I think it can def help, important to surround yourself with healthy people. Have you ever been to an AA or NA meeting ? I’ve found some of my closest friends and most interesting people in the rooms


I have not. I do realize I need to find new people. It's getting easier as everybody is getting into trouble & avoiding the drama is more motivating that going for a beer. Other tips?


Virtual AA meetings saved my ass during Pandemic. My fave one is a 5pm MT Mountain Evening meeting and lots of Coloradans are on there :relaxed: here’s the Zoom ID 891 101 5977
No password at this time.
Hope to see you there J!!


I am from Colorado Springs. Where are you from

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Boulder :blush::sparkles:

Morrison here.

As they tell ya in a meeting you have to avoid people places and things associated with drinking. We came here to for a new community of like minded people. I like to think it helps, because as you see we are able to make new friends here.

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I think apps with likeminded people totally helps!!


Any form of awareness is always a useful tool towards keeping your sobriety.


Any books you can recommend? I've caught a few documentaries and haven't been very impressed.

100% what Ilona said!! 12 Step meetings and groups are incredibly supportive and spiritually powerful. I used to take lots of LSD, magic mushrooms, smoke weed while reading the Bagavad Gita, all the while thinking that I was "spiritual." When I finally got clean and sober in the rooms of NA I finally felt what spirituality was really about. Recovery was the best thing that's ever happened to me!!


Yes but be careful for scamers oh here .. if u want to know who is scamming and not here for recovery I always ask them. Of they are a friend of bill?

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Start new hobbies, make use of
your time. Boredom is dangerous. Go to new places. Avoid old people, places & things. The more out of your comfort zone you get and put yourself out there, you’ll find new connections.


Is it free to anyone who wants to join? I'm from Colorado, but moved up to Minnesota to cut down on drinking but lately it has been getting worse.

Hi there when I started getting clean and sober I had trouble finding my own way to go to meetings. Until I went to a real big meeting. Seen someone I knew when I used to get hi. We got together and went to meetings all the time. I know a lot about going to meeting and getting clean. I don't no much about online this is my first but do no some of my friends go on line they say it helps. But for me a like going to a live meeting but thats me. If that's the only way to get things out that you're going through do it. It will help

Yes- It’s 100% free. Come join us tonight :heart:

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I definitely will tomorrow. Busy night tonight :slight_smile: thank you

Hey welcome,
Yes the app does work if you want it to. Just like in Recovery, it don't work unless YOU do! Take some time away from the drama and drinking buddies and get back to learning and growing yourself. The drinking buddies, they ain't going anywhere...!!

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Yes . The simple fact this app exists is because we feel so alone in our recovery and we help and we all have a story to share and the ones further along in sobriety help us path the path for smooth sailing soberife

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