2 days in and my anxiety has definitely gotten more

2 days in and my anxiety has definitely gotten more intense. Any tips on how to lessen it naturally?

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Magnesium!! :raised_hands:t3: I suggest epsom salt baths (my nightly routine so relaxing) or you can get magnesium in powder form to put in water :slightly_smiling_face:

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Also lavender essential oil a few drops in the bath or you can get sprays for your pillow. Caffeine free herbal tea as well, called Kava, definitely helps me, or chamomile or any type of relax or sleep blend. Good luck!

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Meditation helps. So does jasmine tea. Prayer works best for me and reading the book of psalms.

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I agree about the lavender aromatherapy. I’ve also found deep breathing and meditation to be vital!

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Go for a 20-30 minute walk or run outside or do a 20-30 minute workout indoors. Will get your endorphins flowing


Thank you! I actually have those but I hadn't thought to use them. My thoughts have been catapulted into overdrive.

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Do you have a specific exercise routine that you've found that helps you the most?

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I like getting lots of lovin' from my honey and dairy Queen :crown:

CBD oil helps too. Lazarus Naturals or Yadkin Valley Organics are great companies.

I'll check the out! Thank you!:blush:

I'm 53. I suggest you accept the first 3 days are high anxiety, shitty. Then accept the next 30 are tough. Let them pass. Says the chronic relapser.

it gets better just give yourself a chance and don't pick up! exercise is key even when you don't feel like moving just go.. stay moving keep your mind occupied.

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Anything that isn’t boring! Lol If I go for a walk outside and listen to a podcast, plus observe the world around me, I stay pretty present in the moment (which helps me to disconnect from the anxiety) but yoga is also extremely useful for managing anxiety. Any session that has lots of twists (poses where you’re turning your body) is great because it feels like the anxiety is rinsing out of you. Here’s a link for one I really like. Yoga for Anxiety - 20 Minute Practice - Yoga With Adriene - YouTube

I will definitely try that tomorrow! Thank you! I know I fair better when I'm active. I'm open to try just about anything!

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Going caffeine free helps. Daily magnesium supplements. Taking 3-400s of SAM E has worked for meand some others I know in the program. Also mucuna dopa, helps.

If funds are tight. I would take a magnesium pill sold by Life Extension (it's dirt cheap and has various types of magnesium in it) it's available on Amazon like $10 covers you for 3 months.

ALSO very inexpensive but effective is the homeopathic remedy Nux Vomica. Also very cost effective. Dm me for protocol on use, also available on Amazon. But sold all over.

Until you can get ahold of some supplements. Try carrying a small notepad and pen. Every time anxiety grips you, write a list of all the things you are grateful for, from the least to the greatest, leave nothing out. A gratitude list.

“I'm grateful for”

My mother, Father, sister, familly, a roof over my head, clean water to drink, showers, brushing my teeth, my refrigerator, todays meals, my friend X, friend Y, best friend Z, my cellphone, clean air to breath, another day of life, another chance at living a good life, another hour sober…..

It worked for me. Really helped me get through my first few months. I was a shaky hot mess.

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Beware of cbd if you are going to be taking drug tests. They contain enough THC to cause you to fail a test. Not enough to get high though. So, while it won't or shouldn't be a relapse. Your medical program, your P.O., your job, the courts, child welfare services etc. Anyone official requiring a drug screening will only assume you used weed.

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Yes, this is solid advice. I take CBD sometimes and it’s never gotten my high (otherwise I wouldn’t have taken it lol) but a friend of mine who was in law enforcement popped TCH on a drug test even though they had been sober for years.