2 days here cant sleep physically and mentally exhausted

2 days here cant sleep physically and mentally exhausted from this year's drinking missed out on a lot of good things I want this cause I don't want what always comes with drinking exhausted

Sorry you are struggling tonight. Insomnia is common in early sobriety. It will go away so hang in there. In the mean time try sleepy time tea. If that don't help try to keep busy when you can't sleep. I've heard Journaling help clear your head so you can sleep as well.

Thank you for posting this :pray:t3: I am in the same boat, just laying in bed with racing thoughts. Mind and body feel exhausted every day. I’m at 13 days sober so hoping this goes away as I progress. Wishing the best for you :heart:

Hang in there, bro. It gets easier. What have you tried so far to help you relax your mind and body so you can sleep?

Stretching and exercise before bed are supposed to help you sleep.

Smoke some weed?