1st time here. No friends yet. New. Learning

1st time here. No friends yet. New. Learning.

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I’m new here too :blush:

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Cool! Just added you as a friend! Let’s discover this app and stay sober together! :raised_hands:

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Hi Lucas

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Hey Amanda! How are you?

Also a newbie.

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I'm well. How about you? What are your plans this weekend?

Cool! Let’s learn togther! :relaxed:

That’s awesome! We’ll stay in touch! Thanks for reaching!

Welcome Lucas and Heather..

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New here too

Thank you Noel!

I’m not a newbie to sobriety but I’m a newbie to this site :blush:

Thank u :pray: Noel

How are u doing today Lucas?


Welcome Lucas. Glad you stopped “by.” You have now made a friend on here. Chat in the very soon future. Buonanotte