1st quarter goals

We're almost to the end of the first quarter of 2021? Which goal(s) did/do you have for 2021? What's your progress?


I honestly take it one day at time ...my goal to stay sober and clean as long as I don't use or drink I will show up to life ...


I have been working on my understanding of being both precious and insignificant at the same time.

That's awesome. We can apply 1 day at a time in all areas of life. I'm trying my best not to stress about the future. I rob myself of my present when I do.


Tell me about it.

Why insignificant?

Yes we do..and it suck ...

Well, it does not matter what I plan for. Life is random and not of my design.

Does that make sense? Maybe at a time to be named later I will share a very personal story that explains my pursuit of this concept.

Step work, currently struggling with 4th step. Can’t quite seem to put pen to paper. Any insight?

Hi Mick, do you have a 4th step worksheet/packet? May start with a journal of your experience with the first 3 steps. Do you have a sponsor? Or a therapist? From my experience we need plenty of support through our 4th step exploration.

Interesting concept. I'm down to hear more if you're comfortable with sharing.

This is amazing Jade. I'm extremely proud of you. Is this is a second quarter goal, too?

Good morning. Sure, it has to do with mortality. The significance of this came with the passing of my mom. And all the combinations in relationships between mom and her god, me and my higher power which mostly ran parallel with each other. My/our existence is both precious and insignificant. As sad as that time was, it changed my world view. Hopefully that makes sense. The personal detail are complex.

I live in the moment, I try to be mindful and bare witness to the present. To be willing to compromise and contribute to improve the human existence. For myself and anything in my direct/current environment. My reality is that's all I have. I believe this to be a good thing. It serves me to be kind to myself and others

Attitude is altitude.

I hear that. It was not until my toxic love affair with alcohol and drugs provided me with enough pain before I could even ask for help. I am very grateful the stars were aligned.