191 days! I never thought I would make it here!

191 days! I never thought I would make it here! In the beginning I relapsed a lot and kept having to start over. About three months in I relapsed again, because I convinced myself I could drink as long as I moderated myself - even with moderation, my body just goes right back in to tremors and such as soon as the alcohol is out of my system. Finally I figured out that alcohol is just poison to me and I was going to have to say goodbye to it forever. Now it’s been almost 200 days! Not to mention, my fiancé still drinks just about every single day....made it WAY harder at the beginning, and lots of people said I wouldn’t be able to do it if it was around me all the time, but watching him get plastered reminds me how absolutely revolting it is, and that I never want to be that person again. One day I hope that my fiancé will get on board and realize that the amount of fireball he drinks is going to kill him - right now he “hides” it (funny how drunks think they can hide it - I remember when I thought I could too)from me because he’s promised to not drink. Unfortunately he still thinks bottles of booze every night is normal. One can dream....


Hi Marie! I'm extremely proud of you for pressing on. You're more than half way to a year. I believe your fiancé will come around. Keep living a healthy lifestyle. Perhaps you both can compare and contrast your weeks. That way he can see how it is sober vs. intoxicated.

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Congratulations on 191. I like how honest this post is. The relapse and realization are something a lot of people in recovery learn in much the same way. Folks in my circle say it is an allergy to alcohol.

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Right? I’m hoping his seeing how good I feel each morning and how many other things there are to do will help open his eyes. Granted, Covid hasn’t made that (having things to do) easy :joy:

Exactly how I have to think of it. If I was allergic to peanuts I wouldn’t be trying to figure out how to sneak them in!

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Congrats :confetti_ball::clap:. I'm a little over 3 weeks sober and I found out I actually LOVE waking up in the morning :sunrise_over_mountains:. Here's to another 24!


Congrats to you as well. It is easier and nicer to wake up and actually feel good! Now if winter would just move on so I can get back outdoors and have some sunshine!

Nice! Good jobn

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So proud of you! Almost at 200. keep being strong!

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That's awesome! I can't wait to say the same! Congrats!

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Congrats!! Keep going! You rock!

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Not sure if you were meaning to respond to me or someone else. For me it was just realizing I was going to keep suffering and slowly killing myself if I kept it up. The first couple months I was helped along with high dosages of Naltrexone (which ultimately did its job, but made me feel like a hollow shell of a person who didn’t care about anything). So that had to go….it was just an every day conscientious decision to be better for myself, and for my kids. In a way the alcoholic friends and fiancé helped because I saw the way they were and despised it…but having it around me in the beginning was a lot of temptation. But I would just ask myself if I wanted to make another trip to the hospital (I had a pretty bad seizure as part of withdrawal one time) - and the answer was no. It may not be the easiest, or best way to do it, but I did it without meetings, without friends (of which I had very few), and with an active addict in the house. It absolutely can be done. doctors appoitment today to get medication for my anxiety and depression, and hopefully that will make it even easier *fingers crossed

Congrats. Keep rocking it.