18 days clean having cravings

18 days clean having cravings

Be strong. Try talking to someone. Emotional support and someone to vent to can be pretty valuable right now.
Feel free to talk to me. There are also plenty of people here that will work through it with you if you ask. This is a very positive community.
If you can get to a meeting, try finding a support system there.
Just don’t feel alone.
You can do this!

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Congrats on Day 18.

Don't give into the cravings. Go to a meeting.

Try mixing honey with OJ.
It will curb the cravings. Don't give in because if you do you'll have to start all over and be right back where you're at right now. The cravings will pass. You should get some ladies with sober time phone numbers and use them for times like this. I've had to do the same thing and the phone is a very valuable tool.

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