15 Weeks sober today

15 Weeks sober today...Just have to say that I am completely empty inside. Very lonely.


Hi Vincent. Glad you're here. Congrats on 15 weeks.

Loneliness is common in the beginning stages of sobriety. Don't look at it has a bad thing. Look at it as an opportunity to learn who you are and explore what the world can offer you sober.

One thing that I was taught: if you want friends you must show yourself friendly. When is the last time you tried to befriend someone? What are you doing to connect with other sober people?

Hang in there.

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That is common and the numbness inside is hard to deal with. You’ve got this just keep going

Hi Vincent - I can relate
completely. I am newly divorced and, with sobriety, have lost many “friends”. I feel I’m not alone after finding this app. Sending good thoughts to you and everyone here.

Please reach out if you would like! I am in the same boat with the empty loneliness feeling and we could be of support to eachother. Stay strong!!

For real, I agree with you. Super lonely all the time

Keep up the great work.. strength and wisdom

It does feel empty and lonely for a long time but eventually it heals some. After spending so long not feeling during our times of active addiction, when feelings return it's a hard thing to deal with.

It’s normal for the early days, it could be just boredom fill that void with something that interest you

I hope you will consider a therapist or group