13 days sober, and I drank. F****

I have been so motivated, but tonight I gave in. My partner has been begging me the last year to become sober. And then when I did, I did not get the acknowledgment that I needed. He even would say “oh that’s right, you’re not drinking this week.” I asked him to help me get to meetings, and he says he will try but the last three times, I have had to stay at home with our daughter vs. taking care of myself. How can I get him to understand I am serious this time?

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I agree with Jessica. You gotta do this for you and your daughter. Even if that means you gotta do it without your partner.


Do it without him. His loss if we won't be supportive. Don't let him get you down. If you need to go to a meeting without your daughter ask someone else you trust to take care of her. You and your daughter need you to be sober.


I’m sorry to say this sue. But this guy got to go! You need support at home. The negativity is not good for your recovery.

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AA homegroup is the website with the link to 24-7 AA meetings, lots of people who have kids and can’t get to physical meetings on there. Very welcoming and accepting people I’ve met on there including my sponsor. Highly recommend it.

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Thank you so much for your message! I found a group tonight, and I went to my first online meeting. It is the perfect group as it is a women of faith group!!

Lauren your words spoke to me so much. I hid a lot from him as I was a pretty good drunk. He did not realize how bad it was. So to him, he thinks I am just doing a thing. We talked last night when I really broke down how much I drank and how it was impacting me and us. Even thought I explained it to him, I must realize that this is my fight, and he may not relate to it.