12th Step

I do to a nightly zoom meeting that I love and tonight's topic was the 12th step (12x12 pg. 109). "Now, what about the rest of the 12th step? The wonderful energy it releases and the eager action by which it carries our message to the next suffering alcoholic..."

As we shared I realized being apart of the Loosid community is also apart of my 12th work daily. Thank you all for keeping me sober :pray: one day at a time.

Do you feel the same?



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Holy shit you and I are on some weird level together. Sober birthday buds but I also messaged Loosid asking how I could volunteer โ€œbe of serviceโ€ as part of my 12th step too.

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I have as well :rofl:. Yes, great sober minds think alike :grin:.

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Doing awesome Melissa

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You guys help a ton with just your comments. Keep it up.

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Glad we are a part of it.

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