125 days sober! longest i've ever gotten! i am blessed!

125 days sober!!! longest i've ever gotten!!!! i am blessed!! for all that think they can't do it; if i can do it so can you. i was a hard hitter. i chugged two pints of vodka a day for years. got sober; relapsed again and again and again. but i finally hit rock bottom and have turned my will and my life to a higher power and i am blessed


Congrats. I love the coins' color.

Congratulations well done nice work

thank you both!

You are a rockstar!! Congrats. What an amazing feeling!

thank you it is the best decision i've ever made

Epic :fire::clap:

Right on, Brother! That’s awesome. I got 123 days today, so we’re trudging close to each other. I like how you put your chips on that Thoreau book too. Keep up the great work!

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Congratulations man. Keep it up!!

Kraig, woohoo! Keep coming back! God is love!
Look at the chips! How’s the book? Looks very interesting :thinking:!
One thing, don’t look back at your past and dwell but don’t forget the past either. We tend to forget pain, it’s hardwire into our DNA. Keep the past as a reminder not to take that road again. I’m glad you’re back on the team!

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book is good very deep thinking. soul searching! and i neither forget my past or shut the door on it. it is a well of reasons to live as a better man!

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Great job!

we will keep trucking an long this righteous path of sobriety. dm me we can be support for each other if you would like

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Well said Brother! Well said!

I’ll definitely look into the book!

it's a whole set of corespondents between him and a x minister. it's all about trying to find faith. little tricky to read because of the words and wording is from the 1800's.

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I see. Kinda like the big book, :joy:

little harder but yes

Yeah I bet