12 steps back again

Decided to jump to the steps again for repetition and meditation on them. Anxiety is crazy when things become unabashedly right, they feel too right and then you feel as though they are fragile when they are too right like that. I am still going strong. Clean. Just anxious.

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Anxiety is normal. Every person has it even if they act like they don’t or say they don’t. When I would drink to mask anxiety, it wasn’t doing me any favors. You have to push through the anxiety so that you adapt and your mind becomes comfortable with new things or the unknown. When we drink, we never let our minds become comfortable with what ever we are facing. It actually puts us a step backwards. When we face our anxiety head on, it makes our body’s and minds adapt. Alcohol and drugs hinder that.

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Pushing forward with the tools in my toolbox. Thank you. It is very validating to know that this is not a lonely cloud (anxiety). Pushing forward is going to be hard, but I am looking forward to it nonetheless.

Yea man we all got it. Alcohol just masks it. It’s a natural feeling. When you meet new people or try something new, you will have anxiety. It’s just your mind trying to make you cautious. The best analogy I can give you is about lobsters lol. Here’s a link that will help you understand. "What We Can Learn From Lobster About Stress" ~ Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski - YouTube

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I am in the anxiety boat right now too. Trying to break out of it to see the bright future ahead

Face the anxiety without drugs and alcohol. Eventually you will be able to move past that feeling naturally and it will make you mentally stronger. I’ve got really bad anxiety since quitting alcohol. However I’ve gotten way better at managing it. It’s like when you start a new job. You are afraid of the tasks they give you and also timid about the new people (co workers). Then you get used to everything and comfortable around those people.

I take medicine for anxiety