110 days sober and working on my 4th step/sexual inventory

110 days sober and working on my 4th step/sexual inventory. This is seriously tough stuff to put down on paper but I know I’ll come out better on the other side of this. Just wanted to share where I was and if anyone has words of encouragement I’d love to hear them. SOBER SUNDAY! Go EAGLES!

My 4th step was difficult, but words cannot express how much better I felt after writing everything down. Now that I finished my steps, I look back at what I wrote and see how much I changed.

It is difficult, but you can do it :muscle::+1::blush:

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I'm on my fourth step too, can't wait to get it out of my system. My sponsor is really busy though and he's dragging azz :neutral_face:

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Tell him to focus up lol. I tell my sponsor when I think he’s slacking on me just like when he calls me out on my shit lol

Yeah I get on him. He's really busy though, I might need to fire him. He's great other than that so it's a hard decision

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I do feel better writing this stuff down but man does it highlight how Shitty a person I was. Just tough to see it on paper..

I totally agree that it can be embarrassing or even hurtful when you see your actions on paper. I promise, it gets better.