11 days in. Finding it hard to ignore the urge

11 days in. Finding it hard to ignore the urge to go buy something :woozy_face:

Congrats on 11 days! You’re doing amazing and got this :muscle:t3:

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Don’t go to the store.. what can you do to take your mind off of drinking? Your 11 days in, you can make it to twelve. That’s all you have to think about right now! Stay strong! Find something to do to take your mind off of it... or call someone, or chat with someone. I’m 34 days in and it gets better I promise! If you still can’t take your mind off things, give one of the hotlines a call, go to a meeting, or dm me or anybody in this app. :slight_smile:

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The first stages are always the hardest but stay strong you got this

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Pop into a zoom meeting. Get out of your head space. You can do this.